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The Empath as a Psychic: Understanding and Harnessing Your Empathic Abilities

Updated: Jan 15

“The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world.” – Plato

If you are a highly empathetic person who often finds yourself taking on others’ emotions or struggling to set boundaries, you may be an Empath with psychic abilities. This blog post will provide guidance on how to identify and harness these abilities.

psychic empath

Understanding Empathy and Psychic Abilities

Empathy, defined as the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another, is a critical element of human connection. Some people, known as Empaths, have this ability in abundance.

On the other hand, a psychic is a person apparently sensitive to nonphysical forces. The relationship between empathy and psychic abilities becomes clear when we consider that Empaths are highly sensitive to the non-physical forces of others' feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

The Empath as a Psychic

Empaths possess the unique ability to psychically "read" and project others' ideas, feelings, and attitudes. They can also engage in scrying - a practice rooted in divination that involves gazing into objects (like reflective surfaces or clouds) and receiving significant messages or visions offering personal guidance or inspiration.

Tips for Empaths

If you identify as an Empath, here are some tips to help you navigate your journey:

Tip #1: Protecting Yourself from "Taking On" Other People's Energy

Learn to distinguish between your energy and someone else's. If you notice a sudden shift in your emotional state after interacting with someone, consider that you may be absorbing their energy. Recognize this by mentally claiming, "This isn't mine." This, you can maintain your emotional sovereignty and choose what energy feels beneficial to be around.

Tip #2: Protecting Yourself from Energy Exploitation

Be mindful of people who regularly blame others and never accept fault. You might find yourself starting to believe that everything is your fault. In such situations, it's crucial to uphold your truth and belief system. Learn to say "no" when you mean it and protect yourself from manipulation and exploitation.

Tip #3: Asserting Your Right to Sovereignty

Healing your trauma is a significant step towards asserting your right to sovereignty. With professional help, delve into why you often blame yourself for things that aren’t your fault. Notice how setting boundaries make you feel and how others respond to them. This can help identify unhealed wounds or toxic individuals in your life.

Tip #4: Exploring Your Gifts and Skills

Empaths often possess unique gifts borne out of traumatic experiences. Following your intuition could lead you to discover these gifts, whether they be a heightened sense of knowing, visual insights, auditory information, or even insights through touch.

Tip #5: Becoming an Empowered Empath

Finally, remember to be gentle with yourself throughout this journey. An Empath has typically experienced significant trauma that has caused them to learn how to read their environment and other peoples feelings, thoughts, and attitudes to keep them safe. Healing those traumas will assist you greatly in becoming an Empowered Empath.

Final Thoughts

Empaths play an essential role in society, bringing understanding, empathy, and connection into a world that often lacks these qualities. Recognizing and harnessing your empathic abilities can lead to a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Remember, the path towards becoming an Empowered Empath is a journey of self-love, self-awareness, and above all, self-acceptance.

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is Everything. It is the preview of Life's coming attractions."
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