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You are Your Own Guru: Trusting Your Instincts in a World of Contradictions

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where something just doesn't feel right, yet you can't quite put your finger on it? Welcome to the world of self-trust and intuition, where we often find ourselves navigating the paradox of external influences and our inner guru.

The Paradox of Trust in Self and Institutions

We live in a world where institutions, leaders, and individuals often preach about the importance of trusting oneself. However, their actions sometimes contradict their words. This paradox is most visible when these entities exercise coercive control, using manipulation and deception to maintain power.

Take, for instance, charismatic leaders who have a knack for emotional manipulation. They may advocate for individualism and self-trust, but if you look closely, their actions often involve controlling behaviors masked behind enticing promises and persuasive rhetoric.

The Power of Intuition

Our intuition, or gut feeling, is a powerful tool in recognizing such manipulative tactics. It's that nagging feeling that something is off, even if we can't immediately identify what it is. It's our body's way of warning us that we might be dealing with a situation or person that's not in our best interest.

So how do you tap into this innate power? Start by paying attention to how you feel in different situations. If something feels off-putting or makes you uncomfortable, don't brush it aside. Instead, take a moment to reflect on what could be causing these feelings.

Understanding Coercive Control Personalities

People with high control personalities are often experts at exploiting empathy and politeness. They are aware that most people are conditioned to avoid conflict and maintain harmony. So they twist this natural inclination to assert their control.

One of their favorite tactics is crowd manipulation. By creating an environment where everyone appears to be in agreement with them, they can easily sway someone who might be having doubts. It's crucial to remember that you don't have to conform to the majority opinion if it doesn't align with your values or instinct.

The Importance of Self-Protection and Assertiveness

Remember, you always have the right to leave a situation that feels uncomfortable. Being coerced to stay against your will, whether physically or emotionally, can be considered a form of kidnapping in many jurisdictions.

In such scenarios, assertiveness is key. You have every right to state your discomfort and leave if you choose. It might feel difficult, especially if you're naturally conflict-averse, but standing up for yourself is an essential part of honoring your intuition.

Embracing Your Inner Guru

Your instincts and your personal truth are your most reliable guides in life. Embracing your inner guru means fully trusting these instincts and refusing to let external influences override them.

There are countless stories of people who have successfully trusted their intuition to navigate complex situations. These individuals stand as testament to the power of tuning into our inner wisdom and using it as a compass in our lives.


Navigating the world of self-trust and intuition can be a daunting task, particularly when we encounter high control personalities or institutions that use coercive tactics. However, by acknowledging the power of our intuition, understanding the tactics of manipulation, being assertive in uncomfortable situations, and embracing our inner guru, we can effectively protect ourselves against coercion.

 Have you ever experienced a situation where your gut feeling warned you about a potential issue? How did you respond?

And moving forward, how will you tap into your inner guru to navigate such situations?

Remember, you are your own best guide. Trust yourself; you already know the answers.

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"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination is Everything. It is the preview of Life's coming attractions."
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